hot?? a cool person..hahaha
2. Upload your fav picture of you.

3. Why do you like that picture?
my skin look nice n fair..hahaha...mcm natural beauty ignore da background ok..
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
mkn ngn my bfs and gfs..arep,sham,dd,nora,fahmi,fit3 n hadri...sbb arep dpt 3.23 sem lps..congratz!!
5. The last song you listen to?
take a bow- rihanna
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
ngh tunggu fit3 dtg amek aku nk mkn prosperity ky mc d bangi..
7. What name you prefer besides yours?
8. People to tag:
1. fit3(wlpn xde blog nk tag gak..hahhaha...)
2. adila
3. rifhan
4. yati
5. cika (blh tag lg skalie x??)
9. Who is number one?
da luv of my life...jiwang lak..hehehhe...
10. Number three is having relationship with?
11. Say something bout number 4?
my fwenzz n ariq
13. How about number 5?
my roomate..luv u muah2 =p
14. Who is number two?
adila..but i used 2 call her adi during school tym..amek major psl!!
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