i think i wanna buy new hp..mayb walkman sony ericsson W760i...coz my current hp is not working properly sumtimes..@ 1st,i thought mayb becoz of da battery..when i changed to da new one,da problem still da same...da problem is dat sometimes my hp automatically switch off n it wont on..unless i pluged it to da charger, then it will on...it also happens when da battery is fully charged..haih~~..rite now, im using 2 hps..da other ones is my sis's hp..becoz she had bought a new hp,so i pinjam from her 4 a while..but dat hp still got da same prob...isk2...

i've juz made a survey abt W760i..da design is sooo amazing..althought dat hp had published long tym ago laa..no money to buy da latest ones lor...
nice rite??warne merah lg..my fav color..hope to buy one but dunno when..huhuhu...
hp nmpk grand tp xde 3G,ape gne kite major comm tp xde gne latest teknologi
che juragan- ekeleh...i x pndg la 3G..Janji hp blh amek gmbr cantek n music sound best...xgne gak kalu sy sorg je ade 3G...nk gayut ngn sape??
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