today is da 1st game 4 uniten cup'09 to kick off...as we all noe...sao paolo was da organizer 4 last year game..therefore, they were the 1st team to start da game for dis year...sao paolo had to beat with the foreginer team, which the S.L BENFICA (I like...)...served them(SAO PAOLO) right...coz,during their organization, dorg da setkn team dorg lwn ngn team2 yg sng utk dklhkn...y???because they wanted to go 4 da final...what da heck????who they think they are???
so, for this year game,they had to face the teams with the powerful strength...hahahhahaha...n today game was the best game ever...even they got seri with benfica...but i really2 PUAS HATI...however, as we all noe,sao paolo is much2 better in acting...rite???kalu kite sume prasan la kn..ms final ngn AC MILAN 2..pndi giler dorg blakon..they can get the GRAMMY AWARD if the've been selected to be da nominee..i guess....
ms lg beberape menet nk abes game,blh la pulak ek si player "best acting" nie berguling2 lama lak ek(cm filem industan je..)..mesti player 2 slalue tgk cite industan kn??until he noe how to guling2 until da referee thought dat he had injured...referee nie pn biased gak..agak2nye,mesti da "best acting team" nie da "byr" skit nie...haih...pns je aku n cika tgk...sng2 je dorg dpt panelti...ala..goal penelti...org xpandang pn...my abah said..goal penalti is juz like a what so called "GOAL PONDAN"...y???sbb dorg tendang je bola 2..no one is attacking them...loser tol...if not,benfica defenitly win da game 4 today...huh...
but,its ok...coz, dat "best acting team" had already learned their lesson..padan muka ko!!!da best thing is...there is 1 guy..i mean da foreigner guy frm da benfica...he is really cute...he is wearing jersy no.10...and he is very small...dats y he is very cute among da rest..hahahaha...da way he played on da field made my heart melt...not only me..cika,nieta,dja n mady as well...haih~~n his name is FITRI(i think..coz..da indians called "fitri...fitri" each tym when da ball is coming to him)...hehehe..his name is exactly da same as my love one..but da different is dat he is small n short...but my luv ones is tall n long...however..still smart...sukenye2....
1 comment:
minat bola?...kalau any team from uniten nak carik team for frenly match..bagitau la...bleh frenly dgn team aku..team org tua je..hehehe...org muda kata team blasahan..
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