semlm,game between MONACO and VALENCIA...all da valencians and mocorians were,its hard 4 them to beat each other rite???from i've seen..most of them are enjoy fighting2 n da mencarut thing dosen't come out from most of them..alhamdulillah..
valencians planned to play "defensive"....its quite ok 4 them coz on the 1st half,they still managed to make it SERI (0-0) for each team...but,i missed da critical part(dd yg ckp),when fahmi terberlaga kepala with one of da monaco player..haih~~~thnk god he was ok...if not,i did not manage to hear his fav words,which is.."mark..mark..."hahahha...
da heat of da game was felt on da 2nd half,where monaco managed to give a goal..aiyak~~the valencians also really x sangke the ball managed to lps from their keeper's hands...mayb,nasib x menyebelahi valencia 4 yesterday game..i guess..but overall,all da players (MONACO & VALENCIA) was quite enjoyed during da games(yela,da men ngn team kwn2 sndri..)..n i still can gelak besar with mady,cika n kei..hahahha...
after da game, me n fit3 are rushing coz we need to get to semenyih early becoz mama n ayah fit3 are going to take us to mkn ikan bakar at was my 3rd tym go there..n da ikan bakar is really2 yk!!we managed to arrived semenyih @ 8.08pm..n syu's fmly(mak bpk mertua si angah) was waiting us @, we all gerak together2 n managed to arrived @ bagan lalang around 10pm..quite a long journey...huhuhu...
agak terkejut la..coz mama n ayah fit3 ordered so many kinds of ikan bakar including sotong bakar,ketam,otak2 n lg..mkn la sepuas ati..smpi termengah2...hehhee..around 11lbh cm 2,we all pn nk gerak blk..i blk umh fit3 4 a usual laa..hihihii...
n today...i mean juz now..i helped fit3's mama to prepare da bhn2 to make mee bandung...i dunno how to cook so i juz prepared da bhn2 only maa..hehehhe...after i finished all of it,mama's fit3 masak laaa...n b4 we get home,i ate a bowl of mee bandung..hehhe..actually, i wanna tmbh but,da mee bandung is so pedas la pulak..but still managed to eat it..but,if mady....gerenti she cannot tahan one..hahahha..oppss....
dats all 4 me ada game ptg not sure whether i will go to c them or not becoz fit3 mayb had a practise 4 their game nxt wed...daa~~