its been a while i've not updating my blog..haih..so bz with my life..ya laaa...ive juz finished my final exam on april and da result..alhamdulillah..GEMPAK gak..i cant believe it that i managed to get such dat..tp..slack kt microp..huhuhuhuhu..dat lect is very2 "pilih kaseh"..haihhh...however,da subjects dat i wanted to major it i have successfully scored it..hehehehehehe...
after final...i need to prepare for my internship...alhamdulillah,i get to do my intern @ one of da company in bangsar,fibrecomm network(M) sdn bhd @ menara TM...thanx to fitri's ayah coz he helped me to get this intern...but..da sad is...i cud not go back home to see my lil kazen,maktok and others in png.. i juz sempat to meet ma mama n abah je..i 2 pn sbb ma mama n abah came here coz they wanted to go to fitri's house to see his parents coz i need to stay @ his house for 3 months..ohh god...
even though my intern was very interesting (not everyday i guess..lol)..and even i have get used to live with mama n ayah's fitri, yet, i still counting days, when do i can get back to png...huhuhuuuhuu...blh d katekn every day my lil kazen.,irfan called me and asked me when do i get back..poor lil irfan..huuhuhuhu...and today, it is the 9th week for me to finish my intern...waaa..so hepi lol..cant wait to blk png..huhuhuuu....
talking about my intern,i can say that it quite fun and enjoyable..if there are works/tasks for me to do..but still,if my supervisor didn't gave me any tasks..it is sooo soooo soooo BOWINK...juz ngadap PC je...frenster...ym...yahoo mail...soo bowink..tp,seb bek ada kak hanim yg slalue menceriakn suasana keje ku..hehehehe...for da 1st till 3rd day..mmg bowink..coz my supervisor was on the outstation n my manager,kak nor, was on da meeting..huhuhuhuhu...mcm2 sumpah seranah aku lemparkn kt fibrecomm nie...but,on my 4th day...my manage juz came back..and she start giving me tasks about planning network..@ 1st mmg rs ssh..tp da lama2 wat 2..it is juz soo easy as ABC..heheehhe...
i also hv juz started doing my first paper work..dat is CIRCUIT MAPPING for the SDH & DWDM..kak nor said dat the customer wanted the circuit to be completed as soon as possible..so i need to get it done early coz nk bg kak nor n en man check gak...ssh gak nk wat circuit mapping nie..tp i still enjoyed it coz all the technician was sooo helpful if i am asking for help..(mayb coz i'm a gurl..i guess..coz kt sini xde eng pmpn lg)..kt ats tue laa circuit mapping yg sy da wat..tp itu for SDH..DWDM lak kt sblh kiri atas 2...
while i am doing my intern...i had experience a lot of things...i get 2 noe how the real work environment is...it is 100% not da same as what i have learned @ my university...its quite tough sumtyms..i alsi get to noe people's behaviour as well..lg2 keje kt company mlayu..mcm2 gelagat arr dpt tgk..haih..but,when i keep thinking about that..i realize dat ppl are not so perfect rite??what ever it is..staffs at level 37 still da best..everyone were frendly..hehehehe..i lyk!!!even the staffs are sumtyms "lyk dat",but i still enjoyed doing ma intern here...and mayb..if i have no place to work after i grade..mayb i will work here...but it is my last choice...i wanna work @ petronas or TNB or malakoff maybe...coz i wants ti=o major in electrical power..coz it is easy 2 understand and really challenging..I HOPE SOO..HEHEHEHE...
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